5 Tips to Be More Productive at School

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Productivity is one of the key attributes of people who achieve most at school (or at workplaces). Individuals who are productive at their place of learning or at work, are usually the ones who create meaningful solutions to commonly faced problems, they have a sense of purpose and they know how to optimize things which comes handy at times of distress. We’ve often observed those kids at school who take charge of responsibilities and deliver upon them. If your child is one amongst those, then you’re quite the lucky one! However, most parents are concerned about their child’s difficulties in optimizing time, be it during examinations or timely completion of assignments.

What is productivity?

Simply put, “productivity,” is the ability of an individual to achieve a given task in the shortest period of time without compromising on quality or accuracy. One’s efficiency at completing tasks and managing time can have a direct impact on their personal or professional productivity. It is thus important to help children become more productive and keep increasing their level every day. This way, they can dedicate more time to things that are most important and waste less time on things that don’t add much to their lives.

To help them become more productive at school, it’s important for them to be interested in what they’re being taught. Tasks and lessons that are captivating, help students polish their ability to think better and solve problems better. This further interests them in positive quests and mindful assessments which helps in making them independent and accountable.

Productivity at school is the first step towards evolving as a productive individual that would come handy throughout one’s life. Students who develop this skill early in life and learn how to utilize time, carry this habit into their professional lives efficiently.

Tips To Help Your Kid Become More Productive

1. Keeping track of time

Time is invaluable! Productive people optimize their time in order to accomplish their priorities. To be more productive, one must know what he or she wants to get done during the day. Breaking up large tasks into smaller ones help tremendously and allow room for better understanding of what needs to be accomplished. By breaking down time into increments, you can use different times of the day effectively and keep up your motivation as well as make sure that you’re still able to accomplish personal goals, such as your passions!

2. Take healthy breaks

We want to reiterate that being productive does not mean to get oneself overworked. In fact, it’s quite the contrary. Even the most productive people spend their days wisely enough to make room for regular breaks that help them recharge. Yes, breaks actually help increase productivity. So the next time you make a schedule for your child, make sure to teach them to take healthy breaks. Following this habit at school will benefit in numerous ways besides improving concentration power.

3. Make a habit of jotting down

You must have seen a lot of people talking about journaling and making to-do lists lately. Well, now that the secret is out, don’t doubt it. Help your child learn the importance of writing things down. Multiple studies have shown that regardless of the purpose, having a written record is always more beneficial. Students who had a habit of making notes were found to have a better memory and retention power. Notes eliminate the struggle and help one keep track.

We also recommend that you help your child make to-do lists or checklists for both academic and non-academic aspects of their life. This will enhance their productivity to a whole new level.

4. Make tasks or lessons interesting

Children tend to lose interest when they find something either too boring or too complex. As a result, they end up delaying or performing poorly. To optimize productivity, try to help your child break lessons or tasks in moderately challenging yet captivating fragments. Once they develop a habit of doing so, increase the level of complexity so that there’s always a healthy balance to keep them hooked.

5. Prioritize their health above all

You are what you eat. As parents, there’s nothing more that matters to us than the well-being of our children. When they eat healthy, sleep better and do a significant amount of physical activity, their brain functions in the best way possible. With increased levels of energy and a healthy mind and body, they tend to focus better and thereby, be more productive.

As one of the best schools in Bengaluru, we, at Marigold International School, nurture and train our students to become more efficient individuals. We aim at enhancing their productivity through various thoughtful activities and practical learning.