Director’s Message

"Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one"

Mr. P.S. Chandrashekhara is an educationist with a long and varied experience. A postgraduate in Physics from Regional Institute of Education at Mysore, he has an interesting career spanning over 35 years dedicated to the field of education. He considers himself as a team player with mentoring and leading the group for infusing innovative ideas. His excellent teaching methodology in Physics has evoked interest in the subject across all the batches that he had been associated with namely in DPS Damanjodi, Orissa (1983-1990), DPS Ranipur, Hardwar (1991-1993) and Subsequently at Bal Bharati School, Pitampura (Headmaster – 1993-1994). Thereafter, he ably headed Bal Bharati School, VSKP (1994-1996), DPS Damanjodi, Orissa (1996 – 2009), DPS MRPL, Mangalore (founder, switch over from MRPL school 2009- 2010 ), DPS Tema, Ghana (Founder, 2010- 11), DPS, Balco, (switch over from Kendriya Vidyalaya, 2011-2013), DPS Chennai (2013- 2017) & DPS MRPL Mangalore ( 2017-2020).

As India makes rapid strides into the 21st century, the years ahead would require an innovative and creative approach along with training in multiple skills. A holistic outlook that combines the best of the local and the global is the need of the hour. Our vision and outreach are firmly entrenched in India’s past heritage, traditions, values and culture and at the same time aligned with the cohesive curriculum, which are quintessential for success. We envisage an education that nourishes the mind and a healthy body, necessary ingredients to go further in life.

Herein, the school aims to provide life skills through practical experiences alongside a robust curriculum that is dynamic, agile and evolves as per the day to day requirements of our time. At Marigold International School, we aspire to offer more of experiential learning and subjects that are in sync with international curricula. We aspire to make the young minds think for themselves and thus prepare them for the challenges in the years ahead.

MIS is set in serene surroundings and offers an attractive and ideal learning environment. The students are encouraged to do what they are best-suited for according to their preferences and inherent talents. These will be identified at an early age and nurtured over the years. Imparting of knowledge that is a judicious blend of Indian ethos and culture, international standard curriculum, a myriad of extra-curricular activities, sports, social service, music and painting, among others. All such avenues offer ample opportunities for the self development of each and every child who chooses to be a part of this progressive MIS family.

Mr. P.S. Chandrashekhara