Can music help improve academic performance?

Music is like the alphabet that identifies and communicates. Different melodies appear to be making sense of each other and waiting for a time to stand alone, supporting one another by putting up a grand concert of passion and satisfaction to their listeners’ hearts. 

The music that holds your hands, twirls you around, walks beside you, sings with you in the shower, then stays silent when you’re asleep — music just seems to be there always at its best in different moments of our lives. The sound waves it produces synchronise with itself and hence lie at the foundation of which harmony, balance as well as synchronisation creates magic. 

One can never explain why every rhythm is so unique but so similar to others at once because music is all about participation of many notes in unison creating something into existence and letting that entity uniquely exist alongside all the other entities in music. 

Several studies have demonstrated that music can play a crucial factor in helping one’s mind stay focused and alert. Different musical compositions stimulate this part of the brain, thereby causing an individual to think faster and more intensely for a longer period of time. 

A recent study has also revealed that 64% of the students, who previously struggled to concentrate in studies, got surprisingly better results as they studied with the music on. Some recent research has also found that students and working professionals, when left with a music system, focus better on the work at hand and thus, achieve better results. 

It can therefore be concluded that music does help in enhancing one’s ability to learn in a significant way. If a student does not have a good understanding of the material he or she is attempting to study, listening to music may help create a more focused and attentive learning environment – here’s why: 

Probable causes: 

There is a whole lot of music to be found in the world around us. The music of nature often goes unnoticed in our day-to-day lives, yet it’s easy to appreciate its melodiousness by listening closely and taking a moment to pay attention to the things around you. 

Consider for example the chirping of birds, rumbling of rivers, rustling of leaves, or stridulating of crickets. Going back home from school on an autumn day could have given you a chance to hear all these sounds blending together in one symphonic melody. Music can bring people together because more often than not everyone loves great melodies and harmonies that leave lasting impressions on our minds. 

The movement of ideas and thoughts for those who are learning are sometimes random, but the music will help organise their reactions in a more comprehensive way without leaving out any major points. This is why students often concentrate more when the music stays on. 

Scientific researchers have found, by further studying the wavelengths of sounds, that music therapy is a potent positive force for the mind. This is why a lot of psychological treatments involve music therapy to help patients get better quicker. It’s a way to get out of a state of despair and rejuvenate your mind! Like when you think about it, it makes sense that music is an incredible way we can come together on our journey to feel more in tune with one another and understand our own consciousness more deeply! 

What exactly takes place while studying with the music on? 

When a student studies while listening to music, their mind tends to relax. It’s true that music is the same way a lot of people study at the same time and tend to focus better on what they are doing (especially when it comes to memorising things). 

As such, students frequently find themselves able to focus much better in a structured learning environment once songs have been played due to the fact that there’s no longer as much tension from having to remain silent and not do anything distracting throughout the length of a session. Having this very simple distraction-releaser therefore allows one the luxury of being able to throw themselves into their studies with all of their mental strength behind them. 

We, at Marigold International School, believe that music is an integral aspect of a child’s growth and development. Not only do we encourage them to learn music but our association with Furtados School of Music helps them learn from industry experts.