The sole purpose of education is not restricted to make children aware of the world or the developments taking place around them. Instead, the true objective of education lies in preparing children to stay connected to the real world socially and humbly to make it a better place to live in. Reflecting good values and morals are equally important to make the world more habitable.
To grow up as individuals of an evolved society, social responsibilities are as crucial as holistic development and focused learning. Thus, at Marigold International School, we ascertain that we facilitate an encouraging environment that promotes progressive learning amalgamated with strong social values and responsibilities that help young minds grow up as socially responsible individuals. Some effective methods of developing social responsibility in kids are elaborated below.
Relevant Projects
Different values develop in children at different stages. We, at Marigold International School, take utmost care to structure and accordingly nurture our students in an environment that facilitates all-round development. Not only do we aim at aiding them to excel academically but also provide age-relevant projects that nurture values. Our planned measures like occasional visits to old-age homes and charity events provide young minds a medium to connect with old and young people of different perceptions. Through these projects, not only will they develop into intellectual individuals but also will they learn social responsibilities.
Awareness Campaigns
Gaining knowledge does not do any good if one limits it to themselves. Sharing the received knowledge to encourage and facilitate mutual growth is one of the key aspects of developing social responsibilities in kids. The knowledge shared will help more people become aware of the problems that the society faces at large. This in turn will facilitate easy adaptation to resolutions and may even churn out resolutions for unresolved issues that continue to exist.
For this purpose, Marigold International School conducts regular awareness campaigns that encourage students to share the knowledge received. Here we organise age-appropriate campaigns to help spread knowledge about topics such as environmental protection, various health issues, societal concerns and much more.
This further facilitates development of communication skills in children and helps them learn the necessary skills for healthy mutual coexistence.
Concern towards the society
The bedrock on which human civilization stands and evolves is that of sharing and caring. The basic concept of reciprocation that holds the society together and forms a sense of belonging thrives on the basis of unity. This unity demands contribution from each individual of the society. No wonder why the famous adage, “united we stand, divided we fall” was coined in the first place!
It is for this reason that we, at Marigold International School, make conscious efforts to ingrain the same sense of sensitivity to society to help them emerge as philanthropic individuals.
Responsibilities towards the country
Patriotism doesn’t call for memorization of national anthems. Instead, it demands respect and care and relevant actions that contribute towards the betterment of the people. A nation is a diversified form of one’s society that consists not only of states and territories but also of people from different cultures and lifestyles. When children understand the concept of social responsibilities from a tender age, they are likely to emerge as responsible individuals of the nation. Thus, here at Marigold International School, we strive to help our students understand the true concept of nation and their responsibility towards it.
Volunteering spirit
It is one thing to know a virtue and following it is another. One may tell children what they should and shouldn’t but they can’t always make them follow things. Thus, here at Marigold International School, we don’t restrict our education to providing academic excellence. Instead, we strongly believe and adopt a holistic development approach. From time to time, we organise and encourage participation of our students in activities of social awareness and that of understanding the difficulties of the specially-abled. These help them to acknowledge their empathy and evolve as more socially responsible kids.
We as a school, adopt these measures to help develop social responsibilities in kids. However, it is rightly said that charity begins at home. Thus, you may want to adopt certain measures at home that help your child develop such responsibility.